The Bosnian Mosque

Dear brothers and sisters, this year we are organizing the first annual iftar at the South community center at 1119 Jalni Blvd. We hereby invite you to attend iftar and show our community in the best light. The iftar itself was attended by many guests, among whom we single out the following: Mufti Dr Sabahudin Ceman, Mayor of the City of London Josh Morgan, members of the Parliament of Canada as well as the city’s political representatives. Imams from London are also present, and Imams from Bosnian congregations are also invited.
We ask Allah dz s to shower us with His Mercy and Blessings and to accept our fasting and our good deeds. Amen
(This is a potluck iftar, let’s prepare the food and bring it and thus deserve the reward of the Lord. No tickets, no payments. )
(This is potluck iftar, bring and share food, there is no tickets or fees. )
You can reserve your place at the following link.

if it happens that you are not able to come, please cancel your tickets in time so that other people have the opportunity to come.
PLEASE NOTE. doors open at 5.00 pm. Then we should come and bring food and everything we can so that it is served on time.

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