The first joint iftar in our mosque in this month of Ramadan. Special thanks goes to the Lord for the blessings, and then thanks to the congregation that shows that together they hold on to the rope of Allah.
God’s Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, informs us and says in a hadith. “Allah’s hand is over the congregation, the community”.
Tonight we showed again that the congregation is important in our lives and that the community is ahead of the individual.
We ask Allah (swt) to accept our good deeds. Here are some pictures from the iftar, although the pictures cannot convey the grace and beauty we had tonight.
Zayd b. Khalid al-Juheny, may God bless him and grant him peace, narrates that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: “Whoever prepares an iftar for a fasting person, he will have the same reward as he (the fasting person), with the exception that the fasting person’s reward will not be diminished.” The hadith was recorded by At-Tirmidhi and said to be hasen sahih.
Another tradition states: “Whoever prepares an iftar for a fasting person, feeds him and gives him water, will have the same reward as he (the fasting person), and the fasting person’s reward will not be diminished.”