The month of Ramadan is the month of Allah’s Mercy, blessings, and forgiveness. This is what the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has taught us. Ramadan is a guest who arrives once a year, and its days are better than other days, its nights better than other nights. This reminds us that the days and nights of Ramadan must be utilized to the fullest. In today’s fast-paced world where time is scarce, Ramadan comes to teach us how a Muslim should live and organize their life during and after Ramadan.
Therefore, it is very important to reflect on a theme that is very relevant during Ramadan but somehow disappears from our lives afterward until the next Ramadan. Man is created and described in the Qur’an as forgetful. Because we are created as such, we must remind each other of the true values of life, for which we all have rewards with our Lord. Today, let us remind ourselves of the theme of gathering together or communal socializing.
Ramadan is a month of gathering in our mosques for prayers, iftars, Tarawih prayers, and lectures. It is especially important to mention the communal gatherings we have in the last third of Ramadan, seeking Allah’s Mercy on the Night of Qadr.
Allah teaches us how we should treat each other, as He says to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him):
“Remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers.” (Quran, Surah Az-Zariyat, 55)
“And remind, for indeed, you are but a reminder. You are not over them a controller.” (Quran, Surah Al-Ghashiyah, 21-22)
This is indeed the primary reason for our gatherings and communal socializing: to remind each other and thereby earn Allah’s Mercy, Grace, and Forgiveness. Every individual is part of society, which makes them part of the conditions for survival and hence a community.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) warns us with the following words:
“Allah’s hand is with the group. Whoever deviates from it deviates to the Fire.”
This emphasizes the importance of the group and belonging to it. By these words, the Prophet (peace be upon him) sends a clear message that anyone who stands outside the group is not worthy to be a resident of Paradise.
Unfortunately, there are individuals who do not want to be part of the group, even in Ramadan. Who are these people? They are those who cannot control their egos, who are intolerant, who want to be in charge of everything, and who desire authority. They want to be better than others, which is a characteristic of Satan (Iblis), whom Allah expelled from Paradise because he thought he was better and greater than Adam (peace be upon him).
Satan loves discord, especially between husband and wife, which is prevalent today. As a result, we have discord in our communities. The reason is simple: if we cannot maintain peace in our families, how can we preserve it in our community? Therefore, let us remind each other with the hadith of the Prophet (peace be upon him):
“Indeed, Satan places his throne over the water, then he sends out his troops. The closest of them to him in rank are those who cause the greatest discord. One of them comes and says: ‘I did such-and-such.’ And he says: ‘You have done nothing.’ Then one of them comes and says: ‘I did not leave him until I caused division between him and his wife.’ Satan comes closer and says: ‘You have done well.'” (Muslim)
We ask Allah to grant us His Mercy in Ramadan and to retain it after Ramadan. May Allah strengthen our rows in the mosques during and after Ramadan. May Allah open the doors of our hearts and homes to our neighbors during and after Ramadan. Ameen!
Mr. Avdija-ef. Ramić
Bosnian Canadian Islamic Centre London Ontario