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program obiljezavanja 25. godisnjice Genocida u Bosni i Hercegovini.
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Dzenaza namaz Mahiru Burzicu ce se obaviti sutra Petak 12.05.2020. godine sa pocetkom u 3..00 pm na mezarju Islamice Cementary of London.
Zbog trenutne situacije sa COVID-19 dzenazi je moguce prisustvovati samo 10 osoba sa Imamom, ostali ce morati da cekaju u autu. Nakon obavljene dzenaze namaz moguce je prouciti fatihu na mezaru ali samo kada prva grupa od 10 ljudi naspusti mezarje. Molimo vas da postujete upute za COVID-19 i time pokazemo ljepotu svoje vjere Islama.
It is heavy heart we announce the death od brother Mahir Burzic. Janazah Prayer will be held tomorow, Friday June 12. .2020 at the Islamic Cementary of London at 3.00 pm.
We ask Allah to be patience and strengh to the family, to forgive and pardon the deceased, to make horonable his reception and to admit him to His paradise. Ameen
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As-salāmu ʿalaykum wa-raḥmatu llāhi wa-barakātuhu,
We are aware that the Province has announced that Mosques can re-open, with limitations. Our primary concern is making sure that when we re-open, we meet all guidelines and are doing so safely and to minimize any COVID-19 risks. We are currently planning our safety strategy with the London Muslims COVID-19 Task Force and will make an announcement within 48-72 hours, Insha’Allah.
We are excited about this announcement and we know you are too, but we also have a duty to be responsible to our community.
Jazakoum Allahu Khairan for your patience and understanding.
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Na ahiret je preselio Mahir Burzic sin Salkana i Mubere. Molimo Allaha dz.s. da Mahiru podari Dzennet a porodici sabur.
o dateljima dzenaze kasnije ce biti postavljeno.
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